Our Philosophy

New and old investors alike should keep in mind the following GOLDEN rules of investing. Please read carefully

1. Investing should be taken seriously not for speculation. It is easy to lose all your money in the stock market. If you want to gamble do it with the smallest sum possible.

2. Investing in the stock market is serious and best done through a professional. As you seek medical advice when you get sick you should seek good investment advice to achieve your investment goals. Failure to do so is at your own risk & may result in substantial loss of your hard earned money.

3. Investing is most successful when it is business like. What this means is that you should know what the company does rather than put money in the ticker symbol or chasing the latest hot stocks.

4. In the stock market a 50% correction in stock prices can happen anytime for the smallest reason or rumor. Please do not panic. If you do, DONOT INVEST.

5. When a correction takes place due to irrational reasoning buy more of the same stock at lower prices. It is like getting a holiday sale in the nearby supermarket.

6. Most investing should be done for a five years period at the very least. A normal business cycle lasts an average 5 years. Patience is a virtue.

7. Please do not put your rainy day money in the market. You risk losing the entire sum. Have at least 6 months worth of family expenses in the bank before you invest. I discourage MARGIN investing.

8. Sometimes it is a good idea to take a small loss in a stock and buy a better stock that can appreciate faster and make up for the previous loss.